Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beautiful Agony

Beautiful agony Hanging on by a thread. The memories of you swirling through my head. A song makes my breath catch in my throat. My eyes begin to well with tears. Raw emotion. Hanging on by a thread. My inside comes to the surface. The beautiful memories. The painful agony. Still unbelievable after all these years. That you are there, Stars moon and sky. And we are here, Earth sand and ocean tide. Somedays just hanging on by a thread.


Antisocial  Angry Rageful Vengeful Determined Tare myself to shreds Piece myself back together Am I whole now? Some of the pieces don't fit Should they  I don't know Reach out  Breathe Be Peace.


A chameleon A marionette I am my father's daughter My brother's sister My husband's wife My children's mom My teams manager My managers employee I am a friend I am a peer I am a mentor I am a mentee But where in this is me? I blend with the scenery I become whatever you want me to be. Where am I in all this? What is my purpose? Who am I truly? Soul searching is treacherous Self defeating? Sometimes. Demoralizing? Sometimes. Beautiful? Some times. Fear breeds fear Anxiety breeds anxiety Anger. Breeds. Anger. Look for the good, hang on to it Look for the bad, fix it Find a true friend to discover share and grow with, Then. I. Might. Find. Me.