Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Drip drip- For Three Word Wednesday

Drip drip-for Three Word Wednesday
Erode; verb: (Of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land); gradually destroy or be gradually destroyed.

Heart; noun: A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation; one's mood or feeling; the central or innermost part of something; verb: Like very much, love.

Observe; verb: notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant; watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively; fulfill or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation).

Drip drip
Drip drip, one drop,two drops, drip drip, when will it stop?Observe my heart as it is covered in your acid. It begins to erode until it explodes as the walls have become to thin. My heart was once your toy. The destruction you did enjoy. Drip drip becomes a splash. My heart has turned to ash and all that remains in it's place is a stain and a puddle of your venomous drain.


  1. You gave us your words and I thought of this, and how in a few hundred years Rome lost its soul to Galilean fishers of men. This is to say the cycle of fortune sometimes reverses sooner, sometimes later.

    How Empire Ends

    I shall dip my sponge
    in vinegar, lift it up
    for your final sip
    of this short and sour
    situation on the cross
    they tipped erect
    with you tied in place
    before us this dimming day,
    this one last day left
    to you and to us
    but not, they think, to the world
    they have made themselves.

  2. jenn, if you do not sign in then no one will know you have done this. If you read at the site you will see what to do.

  3. I've tried to sign in but it's not recognizing my URL I am typing in? Any suggestions?

  4. You are already there. I signed you in.

  5. Oh Christopher, you are a wonderful soul:) thank you so much!

  6. Hey Jennifer, I love the way this rhymes!
