Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Misery (3 word Wednesday )

3 Word Wednesday
(Misery hollow shallow)

Misery loves company
You grip with talons
Piercing my thin skin
With your shallow ways
You care not that you have caused me pain.
To your surprise, as you rip me to shreds trying to get to the heart of me, I am hollow.
Jokes on you
You shall not bring me into your misery today.


  1. Good poem, my friend. You are now linked and listed on the 3WW site. That is really easy to do. You just highlight and copy the address your computer gives your blog post (when you are on your post only, not your whole blog) in the window that shows it. Then on the 3WW site you use Mr. Linky boxes - write your identifier above (jennifer, I presumed) and then paste in your blog post address below. That's all there is to it. Not everyone does the next thing but it is nicest to then link in your post to the 3WW site so your readers can reach 3WW from your post. That's not hard either using the linking tool provided by blogger.

    I think you already know how to do all this working in the bank. All you need maybe is someone to point out the boxes you use as you sit with them in front of you. I will do it if you want.

  2. Excellent writing. I really loved this piece. especially....
    "I am hollow.
    Jokes on you"

    It's good to meet you. x

  3. it's quite an image you have spun here. it appears misery will have to walk alone. I do find, the only company my misery ever seems to keep is me...if only I were so hollow or shallow. nice job on the 3WW words.

  4. Sister, I have to say best yet!!

  5. Yes. Refuse to have your joy stolen.
    Sharp and strong poem.
