Sunday, October 9, 2011


We grew 
You beat
Us like shit
You did treat
Violently maddening 
Heart cold and saddening 
Love hate 
Love hate
The need for your love becomes hazy
Your ill
We cannot ever hurt you
Your ill
We can never dessert you
We've long since grown
Yet I still feel overthrown
With your cunning nature you do deceive me
So strong and stubborn at times
Yet week,meek, wounded at others
My compassionate heart falls prey to your twisted ways and once again, just as I begin to feel like your loved and trusted child, you strike, no longer with the fist but now through the mind
My defenses will strengthen with time
Sad but true
To this day
I'm still angry with you.


  1. Sister, I have said it before, she has animal cunning, not smarts! The love, anger and pain are not your fault, but, what you do with them from now on are!

  2. Jenni~
    I love reading your poetry. It is so powerful, as are you.

