Tuesday, January 31, 2012



Some awful
Some awesome
These acts that leave me momentarily speechless.
We can spend or lives spinning our wheels.
All of the 'what ifs' and 'if onlys' filling our minds.
Only to find that the excitement,or the fret that has been consuming us was all for not.
I have,on many occasion,found myself running through an entire conversation in my head , my side and the response, my retort and theirs. Working myself into a frenzy based on an 'imaginary' conversation. In some cases I have even talked myself out of having a conversation with others regarding something of importance, urgency, or that I am extremely passionate about merely because the imagined conversation had such a horrible outcome. How silly is that. How selfish as well. I've decided to make a conscious effort not to predict the outcome but to take it all in stride. I will no longer avoid the uncomfortable just to protect myself from the truly unforeseeable. Open and honest communication without expectation, hmm what a novel idea.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Human beings are intriguing creatures

I am mesmerized by the human brain, the thought process of each and every one of us is different in some way shape or form. Some slightly different, some completely different. 
The ways that we react to any given situation can depend on many different variables. Some of these are, the mood we are in when a situation arises, the preconceived notions we may have of the situation or of the people themselves that are involved in the situation ,and our own perception of the situation. Any or all of these areas can have an impact on the way we react to situations that require our attention or response. When there are multiple people involved the reactions of others can also have an impact. We are all very complex although we can seem simple, or naive on the outside we all have perplex minds that can be very challenging to understand.
What's inside your brain? My mind wants to know.